Wired to Heal - Now Available!
Cason Lehman’s first book, Wired to Heal, is now available!
Cason has finally released copies of his new book, Wired to Heal, and the feedback has been amazing. Cason has been working locally in Naples doing both health coaching and working in physical therapy, however the principles that he teaches go far beyond SWFL and putting this book together has been a way to reach even more lives.
If you’re ready to take action and improve every area of your life physically and mentally, this book has your name on it. Are you ready to heal?
This book is NOT for you if;
You are not ready to heal
You are not willing to try new things
You have ZERO problems / challenges / concerns in life
You are happy with the status quo
You are not wanting to change in any area of life
You do not desire to feel better or perform better
You want to stay the same
You want to play it safe
You want to keep living in the past
You don’t mind blaming others for you problems
You’d prefer to wait for a magic pill to fix it all
However, this book IS ABSOLUTELY for you if;
You want to relieve stress
You want to heal
You want to reverse chronic disease
You want to lose weight
You want to find purpose
You want to heal relationships
You want to overcome fear
You want to optimize you health through natural protocols
You want to maximize you journey through life
Slowly over the past century, we have been conditioned to give our innate healing power away to someone or something outside of ourselves.
In Wired To Heal, you will learn how this healing power is actually locked away deep inside of you. By tuning into the wisdom within our mind, body and soul you will learn to unlock your healing code. By understanding the overarching effects of stress, we begin to open our awareness. We will utilize proper spinal posture, meditation, hormonal center balancing all in combination with complete nutrition. Balancing these four pillars will give you the key to health and homeostasis.
This book will teach the power of possibility through the new sciences of epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology, quantum physics and biophotons. Allowing you to step outside the box of the status quo and into a new health paradigm.
Now is the time to become conscious that we are all made “wired to heal!”
Find your copy on Amazon or Barnes & Noble in paperback now.
Available Now
Cason Lehman wants to help change your life for the best!