Stress Reduction Doesn't Have to Be Expensive

By Nathalie Garbani

“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.” Mahatma Gandhi

Many of us may feel that the world around us is crumbling and that we are losing our ability to manage the “usual” stress and anxieties we had once learned to control. 

Every day for the past several months we are being bombarded with what sounds like “doomsday” news while being told to accept that this is our “new normal”. However, let’s all stand together and agree that we cannot give in to fear, stress and anxiety as “that new normal”. 

My goal here is not to debate what is reported in the news as I want to stay as far removed from politics and other social frenzies as possible. My goal is also not to take the liberty to give you any broad advice on how to manage your finances, your relationships, or your life. I do not have all the answers or any fit-all solutions to those.

Like many of you I find myself without a job (and what came with it, like healthcare coverage) after 30+ years building a career. BUT, I am grateful that I do have my family and friends, my pets, my garden, and a life I intend to continue living fully.

So my goal here is to try to show you that even though we seem to be living in uncertain or insecure times, we still have the power to create our own security and find peace and happiness, we can still create our own “normal” in what we have in our home, our family, our heart and our mind. 

In the Spring issue of Pathways to Family Wellness, there is a beautiful and inspiring text titled “Creating Security in an Insecure World” written by Maureen Campion (a psychologist and marriage counselor). You can find the text on page 58-59 of the printed magazine, which we highly suggest subscribing to. One of the last sentences of the text is: “Anxiety is exhausting, and it doesn’t do a very good job of protecting us”.

Indeed, we all have experienced at one time or another what stress and anxiety can do to our body. Sometimes we even are late to recognize that seemingly unrelated symptoms were actually the consequences (skin troubles, digestive issues, increased aches, fatigue, trouble sleeping, weight gain, etc.). Stress is a strong hormone disruptor because our body will first react as a primitive defense by releasing cortisol. Sustained elevated cortisol then engenders a cascade of disruption in other hormones and body functions such as your immunity, digestion, mental processes, breathing, etc. We get stuck in the Fight or Flight part of our neurology which is more “survive instead of thrive.”

So, the whole idea is to find our inner strength, and live in peace, compassion, and love for ourselves and those around us to get the security we need to overcome this and other waves of insecurity. 

Below are some actions, behaviors, and thoughts that you can do at home, that will not cost you anything, and that will help you through some hard time.

Every day is a new day, full of opportunities and positive possibilities.

  1. Start a gratitude journal- Giving thanks and welcoming what is good, what brings you happiness is not reserved for the Thanksgiving dinner, it should be an everyday event.

  2. Put a smile on your face- Have you ever noticed how children enjoy looking at themselves in the mirror and talk and smile? A mirror will reflect what you put out to the world, so start with a smile for and at yourself, and everyone around you will get the reward of this positive and loving feeling. Even with a mask on your nose and mouth, you can give a smile with your eyes.

  3. Connect with others- Kiss and hug (yes, you can even do that at a distance) your children, your pets, your friends. Show those you love that you care in person, by phone, text, email. Connect with your higher power through prayer, meditation or music. You can find a lot of videos on You Tube from inspiring pastors, rabbis and others men and women of faith. Connect with strangers with greetings and a smile.

  4. Build your sanctuary at home- clean your house, find buried “treasures” in photos, memorabilia, etc. and share those with your family or write your story around those. Fill your house with comforting smells through cooking. Look for recipes to create a good nutritious meal (even on a strict budget, as this will actually enhance your creativity and minimize distractions even for a little bit). Take care of those small projects you have left behind, rearrange your furniture, change the color of your walls…there is always something to have fun with.

  5. Put together your own entertainment- Put music on and have a dance party with your children, your spouse (or significant other), your pets. Get those board games out of the closet and have a game night (you can even invite friends virtually to play along with you). Scatter your living room with pillows (or get comfortable on your couch) and find a good funny movie or comedy (Jim Gaffigan has very entertaining videos on You Tube) show to watch. Keep things light, laughter is SO HEALTHY! Go through your closet and have a fashion show.

  6. Take care of yourself- go for a walk or a run or a bike ride, read a book, take a bath with relaxing epsom salts and add a few drops of calming essential oils, do anything that will bring a smile on your face and happy and peaceful thoughts in your mind and heart.

Whatever we live now will pass (let’s be honest, you’ve been through A LOT in the past, but you’ve made it through!), so what is more important is that by taking some (or all) of the steps above, you will create a better outlook on your life and be able to weather whatever may come in the future.

From our caring team at LIFEstrength Health Center, we’re happy to help and serve you and your family however we can. Call 239-774-5433 to schedule your FREE 15 consultation.

*Disclaimer- Please be aware that the recommendations listed below while based on scientific research studies, do not constitute medical advice. Life Strength Health Center’s commitment is to bring you information that you can use for discussion with your healthcare provider and find what is right for you.

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