LIFEstrength Health Center - Chiropractic and Functional Medicine in Naples, FL

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Top 3 Lab Tests [VIDEO]

Dr. Cade and Coach Cason cover the top 3 lab tests you should be getting on a regular basis.

Interested in an appointment? We offer a FREE 15-Minute Consult! Call 239-774-5433 to schedule.


00;00;00;06 - 00;00;20;13

Dr. Cade

Hey, you guys. My name is Dr. Cade and I am sitting here with Coach Cason and today we are going to pick a top three. We're going to talk top three lab tests that you should make sure that you are getting on a regular basis to keep track of things. So whether you're healthy, whether you're sick, whether you're dealing with something, these are the top three to make sure that you're looking at and looking at with a fine tooth comb, which we're going to talk about here today.

00;00;21;00 - 00;00;37;29

Dr. Cade

So the three lab values are to look at blood sugar, vitamin D, and those are kind of the two that most people really are getting already. And then we'll talk a little bit about the difference between being in the normal zone versus being in a little bit of a tighter range. And then the third one is more functional blood test, right?

00;00;37;29 - 00;00;58;07

Dr. Cade

We'll talk about maybe a micronutrient test and we'll talk about gut testing. So that's your forecast of the video today. And so let's jump into it. So the two values for blood sugar are going to be A1C and then fasting blood glucose, right? So if if those numbers are too high, those numbers are out of range. What things are people probably dealing with?

00;00;58;07 - 00;00;59;28

Dr. Cade

Or can anticipate that they're going to deal with?

00;01;00;02 - 00;01;04;24

Coach Cason

Well, high blood sugar, you - I mean, the list is long.

00;01;05;02 - 00;01;07;17

Dr. Cade

I mean, it's basically linked to every disease out there.

00;01;07;17 - 00;01;26;01

Coach Cason

Everything. So but but some things that that we see a lot are a lack of energy. Yep. You know, like really tired. You don't feel like you got to get up and go. Brain fog. You're you're not thinking clearly. Yeah. And weight gain, you know. Yep. I think that would be my top three.

00;01;26;03 - 00;01;43;17

Dr. Cade

Yeah. So if we're looking at fasting blood glucose, you know, after you eat, there's a period of time where we want to make sure that your body is using that sugar. And whether you're using it for fuel because you utilize like an active lifestyle or if you're more sedentary, we're wanting to see how your body uses that blood sugar and stores it as fat.

00;01;43;24 - 00;02;02;03

Dr. Cade

And so it does. It's got a lot to do with weight gain. It's got a lot to do with physical wellness, right? The aches and pains of fibromyalgia, joint pain, stuff like that. It's got a lot to do with mental wellness, right? And that mental motivation and clarity, just like you said. So that's a big one. And then anything else we want to talk about there? What are what are things that are going to make those numbers worse?

00;02;02;09 - 00;02;05;05

Dr. Cade

We're kind of alluding to that with a sedentary versus active lifestyle.

00;02;05;05 - 00;02;15;27

Coach Cason

Well, I mean, the Standard American Diet. Yeah. You know, that that shoots our blood sugar through the roof. There's sugar in everything. Not just sugar, but toxins. Chemicals, for sure. It's a perfect storm.

00;02;15;27 - 00;02;16;15

Dr. Cade

Isn't it?

00;02;16;15 - 00;02;17;21

Coach Cason

That affects it. So, yeah.

00;02;18;15 - 00;02;26;14

Dr. Cade

So sugar, as most people are probably thinking like Snickers bars or ice cream, what are the other really probably the bigger offenders are for sugars? Bread.

00;02;26;22 - 00;02;27;15

Coach Cason

Yeah. Carbs.

00;02;28;07 - 00;02;43;14

Dr. Cade

Rice. Right? I mean that's basic form. Those things are just sugar. Yeah. Kind of just get trained into thinking that we got to have that at every meal. But those things will definitely cause blood sugar issues. Yeah. How about the top three things or top couple of things that people can do to bring their blood sugar back into check?

00;02;43;18 - 00;02;43;23

Dr. Cade


00;02;44;02 - 00;03;06;19

Coach Cason

Well, I like walking after a meal, you know, just movement when we move. Our muscles need glucose. They need that sugar that's in the blood. So it's going to pull that into the muscle. So simple movement after a meal, you could even go as far as doing some sit-to-stands in a chair, you know and repetition or some push ups on the countertop.

00;03;06;19 - 00;03;14;04

Dr. Cade

How about if somebody can't miss their show and they have to be sitting down after dinner? You could do something as simple as just an isometric, some pushing and some pulling.

00;03;14;04 - 00;03;16;09

Coach Cason

So I'm thinking the hand squeezer.

00;03;16;09 - 00;03;19;05

Dr. Cade

Just trying to make sure everybody is happy here, right? Yeah.

00;03;19;07 - 00;03;20;02

Coach Cason

But miss that show.

00;03;20;10 - 00;03;38;12

Dr. Cade

You know, we talked a little bit about supplement wise, you know, if activity isn't your thing, of course, the more of these things that you can do, the better it's going to be. But there's a lot of blood sugar blends out there, things like cinnamon, zinc, chromium, gymnema, there's a lot of different herbal and mineral kind of things that you can do to help your body modulate the blood sugar.

00;03;38;12 - 00;03;51;11

Dr. Cade

But again, if we're continuing to put sugar in those receptors, you know, they get a little bit numb and they get less they get less responsive to modulating a good balance of blood sugar. So anything else we need to say about blood sugar before we jump into Vitamin D?

00;03;51;26 - 00;04;05;07

Coach Cason

Well, you can always fast, you know, I love it. That's hard for a lot of people. I know it was when I first started. But yeah, when you don't eat, when you're not giving your body sugar, things tend to normalize.

00;04;05;12 - 00;04;28;03

Dr. Cade

And normalize pretty quickly, right? Yeah. Okay. I like it. Well, let's jump in a number two - vitamin D and with vitamin D, this is a great one to talk about. The difference between a normal range, right? And an optimal range. Normal ranges of lab work is typically based off of like 80 to 90% of the population. And we know 80 to 90% of our population in this country, unfortunately, is not very healthy.

00;04;28;14 - 00;04;45;22

Dr. Cade

And so within that normal range, we're looking for a tighter optimal range. And so, again, vitamin D is a great one to make sure that you're getting checked because it's linked to pretty much all disease. It's more of a hormone, right, than it is. You can see why we pick these labs because it's linked to everything, right? But it's more of a hormone than it is a vitamin.

00;04;45;25 - 00;05;06;28

Dr. Cade

So from hormone production to immune system regulation to neurologic issues, right? And brain development, vitamin D is crucial, right? And again, we actually had a little bit of a study here from GrassrootsHealth. And so I wanted to make sure that I shared this. You know, it's linked to cancer levels and pretty much all cancer levels. So I'll pick one - breast cancer.

00;05;07;03 - 00;05;27;28

Dr. Cade

And they said, you know, the normal kind of way that, you know, the medical model is looking at that number is if you're above a 30 is where you're sufficient, right? You're in the normal range. And so when you jump from that 30 up to it looks like a 50 as far as that test value goes, there's an 80% reduction in breast cancer alone.

00;05;28;07 - 00;05;42;26

Dr. Cade

That's remarkable. Why is that not on every commercial, on every news station, on every channel, on TV? Right? I mean, that's a big 83% reduction. How many mothers, how many grandmothers, how many sisters would potentially still be here if they had adequate levels of vitamin D?

00;05;43;10 - 00;05;45;23

Coach Cason

Yeah. I mean, and the cool thing is you can do something about it.

00;05;46;00 - 00;05;46;26

Dr. Cade

I mean, right?

00;05;47;01 - 00;05;48;07

Coach Cason

You can change that quickly.

00;05;48;07 - 00;05;52;21

Dr. Cade

So what's the best thing that they can do for free in Southwest Florida?

00;05;52;22 - 00;06;09;23

Coach Cason

Go outside. Love it. I mean, that's that's the easiest get in the sun I've heard and I don't have any studies to back this up but sun exposure on your belly, it is the highest absorption of vitamin D. The sun gives us vitamin D. It's everything we need.

00;06;09;23 - 00;06;24;15

Dr. Cade

Yeah, absolutely. And we've been, you know, kind of trained to think that the sun is bad. And so we want to make sure that you're not out there and getting a sunburn and getting sun damage. But sun is what gives life to this planet. You know, if we're a little bit closer to the sun or a little bit further away from the sun, there isn't life on this planet.

00;06;24;15 - 00;06;34;07

Dr. Cade

And so it's very important to get the right time out in the sun, in the right amount. So is there a way that they can kind of get out in the right time? What's the right time? Because that might be different every day, correct?

00;06;34;07 - 00;06;50;10

Coach Cason

I don't I don't know that exactly. But I'm thinking midday, you know, when sun is at its peak. But there's also benefits to sunrise and sunset. There is with that gets into melatonin and serotonin but, and circadian rhythms. But yeah I think I think the peak of the day.

00;06;50;24 - 00;07;13;01

Dr. Cade

So my favorite way you know just for you that's listening. No matter where you are in the world, no matter what time of year it is, that that midday might carry different types of of of heat or different amounts of exposure. So there's a great app. It's called dminder. It's available on both iOS and on Android. And it'll tell you your location and where the sun's earth is or sun's or the Earth's rotation around the sun.

00;07;13;01 - 00;07;27;09

Dr. Cade

Easy for me to say. It'll tell you what time of day is, is is peak for UVB rays, which, of course, is what converts to vitamin D through the skin's exposure to it. So show your belly, download that app and get out there you know as much as you can.

00;07;27;09 - 00;07;29;15

Coach Cason

What if somebody is up north in Minnesota?

00;07;29;16 - 00;07;46;24

Dr. Cade

Use that app or else supplement. Right? And that supplementation shouldn't be just a ground value of 3000 or 8000. You know, IUs of vitamin D, it should be based off of your labs. Some people need more. Some people might need not need it at all. Right? And so it really should be based on that, that lab value.

00;07;47;06 - 00;07;50;10

Dr. Cade

Fair enough. Yeah. Anything else I want to say on that one?

00;07;50;10 - 00;07;51;19

Coach Cason

If you don't test, you don't know.

00;07;51;22 - 00;08;08;07

Dr. Cade

Amen to that. Amen to that. I think the last number that I saw is there's more than 80% of people even at southwest Florida that are deficient in vitamin D. So again, if we're just thinking about breast cancer and breast cancer alone, not to mention all the other things, there's a huge opportunity to completely change your life with just vitamin D.

00;08;08;11 - 00;08;25;17

Dr. Cade

Yeah. All right. So hopefully you're still hanging in there because we've got one more to go. We've covered blood sugar. We've covered vitamin D in the last we're going to talk about a little bit is functional medicine test. So actually two yeah it's true and you get a bonus today. Lucky you. Not three, but four tests here. So why don't you start out with a comprehensive stool test?

00;08;25;17 - 00;08;27;21

Dr. Cade

I mean, that's a big one. It can go a long way.

00;08;27;26 - 00;08;35;15

Coach Cason

Yeah, well, you know, Hippocrates, I think, was the one that said all disease starts in the gut.

00;08;35;15 - 00;08;36;05

Dr. Cade

It’s going back a ways.

00;08;36;26 - 00;08;58;14

Coach Cason

So there's some there's some answers in our gut. And when we test the stool, we can see what's in there. Not, not a pretty test, not the most fun to do, but gives us some really good information so we can check out if there's bacterial imbalances. What else do we have on the list?

00;08;58;14 - 00;09;00;18

Dr. Cade

Pancreatic sufficiency, enzyme health.

00;09;00;18 - 00;09;12;24

Coach Cason

Yeah, yeah. The other thing is leaky gut. You know, we look at this marker called zonulin, so we see if our our guts leaking into the into the bloodstream. So yeah, just all kinds of value that we can get from that test.

00;09;12;24 - 00;09;31;07

Dr. Cade

Why don't we just quickly jump into, you know, each one of those things? So a bacterial imbalance, right? If there's an imbalance of the good and the bad bacteria in the body, that could lead to things like bad breath, digestive issues, malabsorption into or I was I was going to say constipation or diarrhea, you know, inconsistent bowel movements.

00;09;32;00 - 00;09;45;29

Dr. Cade

And that's just that alone is a big one that has a lot to do with neurologic growth and development and neurologic health and mood and mood stability. So just that alone is linked to a lot of different things. Immune system health with bacterial imbalances.

00;09;46;25 - 00;09;47;24

Coach Cason

So much.

00;09;47;24 - 00;09;57;09

Dr. Cade

What was the next one? We talked about pancreatic health and enzyme production again, goes right back to how well you break things down. Sure. You were mentioning the size of those particles, right?

00;09;57;09 - 00;10;12;20

Coach Cason

So, yeah, if we don't have the proper enzymes to splice and break down fats and proteins and and sugars, then we can't absorb them optimally and if we're not absorbing them optimally, then the you know, it just leads to all kinds of stuff so well.

00;10;12;20 - 00;10;35;23

Dr. Cade

And that kind of leads into the next test we'll talk about but some potential deficiencies there. And then leaky gut. Leaky gut, a big one. So people that again, mood - mood imbalances, right. Whether it's anxiety, depression, A.D.D., bipolar, leaky gut. So linked with skin issues like psoriasis and eczema. It's linked to joint pain, it's linked to fibromyalgia, it's linked to basically all the autoimmune stuff.

00;10;35;23 - 00;10;50;06

Dr. Cade

And so that's been a hot topic in the functional health world, that leaky gut term for the last, I don't know, five, eight, ten years. It's a way that you can know exactly if you have it and then what do you do? You go after it and you heal and you treat that properly. It takes the guesswork out, you know.

00;10;50;23 - 00;10;52;27

Dr. Cade

So bacterial imbalances, pancreatic sufficiency.

00;10;53;05 - 00;10;53;14

Coach Cason

Leaky gut.

00;10;53;14 - 00;11;10;25

Dr. Cade

And leaky gut. So we got those covered for a comprehensive stool test. So if you've got questions, of course, reach out to us on that topic. But the last one brings us to a micronutrient test. So a micronutrient test is a way to see if your body has the proper nutrients and if it has too much, it can be a toxicity.

00;11;10;25 - 00;11;27;29

Dr. Cade

If it has too little, it's obviously a deficiency, which again is a perfect segue way from that, you know, that comprehensive stool test. So there's a lot of them out there in the market. There are some cheap ones that you can do with urine. You can do it with saliva, you can do it with hair. And there are some more expensive ones that combine those along with blood.

00;11;28;07 - 00;11;45;05

Dr. Cade

And I think the blood is going to be the gold standard so that we can see the nutrition, not just in the blood, but what's actually inside the cell. And yeah, it takes your food protocol and your supplementation protocol. There is no guesswork. You know exactly what you need versus what I need versus what your spouse needs. Right?

00;11;45;05 - 00;12;01;18

Dr. Cade

It takes that guesswork out and it's fantastic. And so, again, if you want to be proactive and test these things once a year, every couple of years to see where your system is at, if you're one of those people that's always pushing for better health and optimal health and trying to prevent things from happening years down the road, it's a smart idea.

00;12;01;27 - 00;12;22;00

Dr. Cade

Or on the flip side, if you're sick and you've been struggling with some of the symptoms that we've talked about today, and you're yet to find an answer or you're unhappy with treating these things and try to cover them up with medication. Just know that there's so many more things that you can do. And, you know, we're just at the tip of the iceberg here talking about the top three blood tests and lab tests shouldn't say blood test, but top three lab tests that you can get done.

00;12;22;01 - 00;12;26;15

Dr. Cade

Yeah. So before we wrap this up, Cason, anything else you want to say?

00;12;27;20 - 00;12;47;16

Coach Cason

Well, I think it goes back to if you don't test, you don't know. And so we can we can get a lot of information. And a lot of people come in and they're confused about their labs that they've gotten from conventional doctors or functional medicine doctors. And so getting some clarity on what that actually means and how to change it is huge.

00;12;47;22 - 00;13;00;25

Dr. Cade

And then at the end of that, that leads to you feeling better and more confident about your health decision. So we'd be so honored to help you. Our doors open here at LIFEstrength Health Center. Of course, we always do a free 15 minute consult, so feel free to reach out to our office manager and we can do that over email.

00;13;00;25 - 00;13;08;24

Dr. Cade

We can do that over phone or of course we prefer that in person, but yeah. Thank you guys so much. We're looking forward to another video. Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Interested in an appointment? We offer a FREE 15-Minute Consult! Call 239-774-5433 to schedule.